Plenty of rest and hydration is the best preparation for any photo shoot.

These tips apply to all types of shoots: Portrait, Studio, Team Sports, etc.

  • Everything you intend to bring should be laid out, clean and ironed the night before.  Wrinkle-free clothing will help make your image much more professional.  Don't forget accessories!
  • Make sure clothes fit! Try them on!
  • We love props! If you play an instrument, have a hobby/talent, favorite book, or a favorite article of clothing or just a meaningful item, bring it with you. These personal items can help show ‘you’ better in the photos.
  • Get lots of rest the night before!
  • Eat!  Be sure to eat something before you leave for your session so you're not hungry during the shoot.  I can't stress this enough.  You will look better, be more focused, and have the energy throughout the shoot.  This is especially important for children. A great idea would be to bring water, crackers, nutrition bar, etc; but stay away from chocolate or colored items/drinks, etc. You wouldn't want to color the lips, tongue, and teeth.
  • Fingers and toes should be clean and groomed.  Good rule of thumb is to keep nails a natural color (nude, french, light-pink, etc). 
  • Haircuts should be done about 2 weeks before the shoot date.
  • Don't over tan or spray tan. Be mindful of tan lines.
  • Be sure eyebrows are groomed (yes men too!), teeth are clean, and lips are not dry.  If necessary, please bring a lip balm/moisturizer with you.  Moist lips always look better!
  • Wardrobe: Choose clothing that doesn't detract from your face.  Your clothes should be free of logos.   Think about the look you are trying to achieve:  Want dreamy photos that are soft and elegant?  Choose neutral colors with soft, flowing fabrics…. think creams, very soft pastels, oat meals, light browns, tans, grays, and slate blues.  Want to showcase your fun and spunky side?  Choose coordinating colors (but not matchy, matchy) with bold accent colors, such as hues of gray with yellow or bright red accents.  Adding fun accessories like scarves, headbands, hats, etc. can add a fun twist and sassy flair to your images.
  • Be sure all clothes are clean,  lint and hair free. Including shoes!
  • Bring appropriate undergarments for each outfit. We don't want to see bra straps or bright pink panties under white shorts :).
  • Be mindful of tan lines!
  • If you are shooting barefoot (and I do that a lot), make sure feet are clean. 
  •  Bring a favorite toy for little ones for comfort. 
  • Do not schedule your session during your child's nap time.
  • Keep tissues or small towel handy if you have a small child to wipe snotty noses, etc.
  • Most important, BE YOU and have fun!

If you see ideas in magazines, etc. that really attract your attention, feel free to bring those clippings or phone pics to your session.  How you feel about photography, what moves you and what you gravitate to provides much insight into who you are and your expectations.  Never hesitate to share your ideas with me.